Disk Usage Analyzer

Check folder sizes and available disk space

A simple application to keep your disk usage and available space under control.

Disk Usage Analyzer can scan specific folders, storage devices and online accounts. It provides both a tree and a graphical representation showing the size of each folder, making it easy to identify where disk space is wasted.

Включете се и вие

Разгледайте интерфейса

Devices and Locations View
Scan View

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Още информация

Най-новото издание

Най-новата версия 47.0 е пусната на 16.09.2024 г..

Програмата е преведена

Тази програма е налична на вашия език.

Ключови думи

  • Disk Usage Analyzer
  • Filesystem
  • Linux
  • System

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