
Wikipediako artikuluak bilatu eta irakurri

Wike is a Wikipedia reader for the GNOME Desktop. Provides access to all the content of this online encyclopedia in a native application, with a simpler and distraction-free view of articles.

It supports more than 300 languages and integrates with desktop searches, providing suggestions that make it easier to find any content. Other features are: bookmarks with multiple lists, article table of contents, history, text searches and much more…

Hartu parte

Arakatu interfazea

Ezagutu gaitzazu

Informazio gehiago

Proiektuaren webgunea

Bisitatu proiektu honen webgunea.

Bertsiorik berriena

Azken 3.1.0 bertsioa,2024(e)ko abu. 14(a) egunean argitaratua.

Partzialki itzulia

Aplikazio honen zenbait zati zure hizkuntzan daude.


  • Linux
  • Network
  • Wike

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