
Prototype with GNOME technologies

Workbench is for learning and prototyping with GNOME technologies, no matter if tinkering for the first time or building and testing a GTK user interface.

Among other things, Workbench comes with

  • Live GTK/CSS preview
  • Library of 100+ examples
  • JavaScript, Rust, Python and Vala support
  • Declarative user interface syntax
  • Autosave, sessions and projects
  • Code linter and formatter
  • Terminal output

Hartu parte

Arakatu interfazea

Welcome screen
Drawing Area demo
Library window

Ezagutu gaitzazu

Informazio gehiago

Proiektuaren webgunea

Bisitatu proiektu honen webgunea.

Bertsiorik berriena

Azken 46.1 bertsioa,2024(e)ko api. 30(a) egunean argitaratua.

Itzuli gabea

Aplikazio hau ez dago zure hizkuntzan.


  • Development
  • IDE
  • Linux
  • WebDevelopment
  • Workbench

Hautatu hizkuntza