
Ask questions, get psychic answers

Does he love you? Should you have pizza for dinner? Is there such thing as a stupid question? Discover the answers to these questions and more with Clairvoyant, the magic 8-ball inspired fortune teller.

  • Ask a question, then open Clairvoyant for an answer.
  • Not satisfied? Ask again, then hit "Ask Again" to try again.
  • Do what you'd like with the answers—just don't shoot the messenger!


کاوش رابط

A positive answer, “Without a doubt.”
A neutral answer, “Reply hazy, try again.”
A negative answer, “My reply is no.”
A positive answer, “Without a doubt.”
A neutral answer, “Reply hazy, try again.”
A negative answer, “My reply is no.”

اطّلاعات بیش‌تر

بیش‌تر بدانید

بازدید از صفحهٔ راهنمای برخط این کاره.

صفحهٔ خانگی پروژه

بازدید از صفحهٔ خانگی اختصاصی این پروژه.

جدیدترین انتشار

جدیدترین نگارش 3.1.8 در ۲۳ سپتامبر ۲۰۲۴ منتشر شده.

ترجمه نشده

این کاره به زبانتان موجود نیست.


  • Amusement
  • Clairvoyant
  • Linux
  • Utility

گزینش زبان