Simple note taking
Iotas aims to provide distraction-free note taking via its mobile-first design.
- Optional speedy sync with Nextcloud Notes
- Offline note editing, syncing when back online
- Category editing and filtering
- Favorites
- Spell checking
- Search within the collection or individual notes
- Focus mode and optional hiding of the editor header and formatting bars
- In preview: export to PDF, ODT and HTML
- A convergent design, seeing Iotas as at home on desktop as mobile
- Search from GNOME Shell
- Note backup and restoration (from CLI, for using without sync)
- The ability to change font size and toggle monospace style
Writing in markdown is supported but optional, providing
- Formatting via toolbar and shortcuts
- Syntax highlighting with themes
- A formatted view
- The ability to check off task lists from the formatted view
Slightly more technical details, for those into that type of thing
- Nextcloud Notes sync is via the REST API, not WebDAV, which makes it snappy
- There's basic sync conflict detection
- Notes are constantly saved
- Large note collections are partially loaded to quicken startup
- Notes are stored in SQLite, providing for fast search (FTS) without reinventing the wheel. Plain files can be retrieved by making a backup (CLI).
Esplore la interface

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Plui informazions
- Iotas
- Linux
- TextEditor
- TextTools
- Utility