
Browser for your pinned tabs

Tangram is a new kind of browser. It is designed to organize and run your Web applications. Each tab is persistent and independent. You can set multiple tabs with different accounts for the same application.

Common use cases:

  • Stay up to date with your favorite communities
  • Merge all these chat applications into one
  • Group your organization tools under one application
  • One-stop for multiple sources of documentation or information


Esplore la interface

Tabs overview

Ven a cognossinus

  • Assegnât ae manutenzion


Plui informazions

Pagjine principâl dal progjet

Visite la pagjine web dedicade par chest progjet.

Publicazion plui gnove

Ultime version 3.3 publicade ai 28/01/2025.

No tradote

Cheste aplicazion no je disponibile te tô lenghe.


  • Linux
  • Network
  • Tangram
  • WebBrowser

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