
Read documents

A document viewer for the GNOME desktop. You can view, search or annotate documents in many different formats.

Papers supports documents in: PDF, PS, EPS, XPS, DjVu, TIFF, and Comic Books archives (CBR, CBT, CBZ, CB7).

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Istražite sučelje

A clear, simple, and modern UI
A mobile-friendly UI
A modern and colorful annotation list
Big thumbnails in the sidebar
All search actions are contained in the sidebar

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Više informacija

Najnovije izdanje

Najnovija inačica 47.3 objavljena je 30. sij 2025.

Djelomično prevedeno

Pojedini dijelovi ove aplikacije su dostupni na vašem jeziku.


  • 2DGraphics
  • Graphics
  • Linux
  • Office
  • Papers
  • VectorGraphics
  • Viewer

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