Chess Clock

Time games of over-the-board chess

Chess Clock is a simple application to provide time control for over-the-board chess games. Intended for mobile use, players select the time control settings desired for their game, then the black player taps their clock to start white's timer. After each player's turn, they tap the clock to start their opponent's, until the game is finished or one of the clocks reaches zero.


Explorar le interfacie

The main screen, showing timers for the white and black players of a chess game
The time control selection screen
The main screen in a portrait aspect ratio, showing one timer rotated 180 degrees

Cognosce nos

  • Mantenitor

    Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras

Plus de information

Sito web del projecto

Visita le sito web dedicate a iste projecto

Lanceamento plus nove

Ultime version 0.6.1 lanceate le 13 sep 2024.

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  • BoardGame
  • Chess Clock
  • GTK
  • Game
  • Linux

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