
Read GNOME documentation offline

Biblioteca lets you browse and read GNOME documentation. Among other things, Biblioteca comes with

  • Offline documentation
  • Web browsing
  • Tabs
  • Dark mode support
  • Fuzzy search
  • Mobile / adaptive

Ger-d iman-ik·im

Issin agrudem

Biblioteca main window with GTK 4 docs selected


Ugar n telɣut

Asebter agejdan n usenfaṛ

Rzu ɣer usebter agejdan n usenfaṛ-a.

Lqem amaynut

Lqem aneggaru d-yefɣen 1.4 1 May, 2024.

Ur yettwasuqel ara

Asnas-a ur yelli ara s tutlayt-ik.

Awalen tisura

  • Biblioteca
  • Development
  • Linux

Fren tutlayt