Déjà Dup Backups

Protect yourself from data loss

Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of backing up the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend.

  • Support for local, remote, or cloud backup locations such as Google Drive
  • Securely encrypts and compresses your data
  • Incrementally backs up, letting you restore from any particular backup
  • Schedules regular backups
  • Integrates well into your GNOME desktop

Déjà Dup focuses on ease of use and recovering from personal, accidental data loss. If you need a full system backup or an archival program, you may prefer other backup apps.

Ger-d iman-ik·im

Issin agrudem

Back up your files automatically — set it and forget it
Restoring is a breeze — browse your files and select which to restore
Back up to the cloud, a network server, or a local drive
Take control of your backup by choosing exactly which folders to include


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Rzu ɣer usebter n tallalt deg Internet i usnas-a.

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Lqem aneggaru d-yefɣen 46.1 23 Yun, 2024.

Yettwasuqel cwiṭ

Ala aḥric kan amecṭuḥ seg usnas-a i yellan s tutlayt-ik.

Awalen tisura

  • Archiving
  • Déjà Dup Backups
  • Linux
  • Utility

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