
Simple UML and SysML modeling tool

Gaphor is a UML, SysML, RAAML, and C4 modeling application. It is designed to be easy to use, while still being powerful. Gaphor implements a fully-compliant UML 2 data model, so it is much more than a picture drawing tool. You can use Gaphor to quickly visualize different aspects of a system as well as create complete, highly complex models.

Gaphor provides four modeling languages: UML, SysML, RAAML and C4 and makes them accessible to beginners.

Ger-d iman-ik·im

Issin agrudem

The Gaphor main window
Sequence diagram
Customizable styling
Dark mode


Ugar n telɣut

Issin ugar

Rzu ɣer usebter n tallalt deg Internet i usnas-a.

Asebter agejdan n usenfaṛ

Rzu ɣer usebter agejdan n usenfaṛ-a.

Lqem amaynut

Lqem aneggaru d-yefɣen 2.26.0 8 Yul, 2024.

Ur yettwasuqel ara

Asnas-a ur yelli ara s tutlayt-ik.

Awalen tisura

  • Development
  • Gaphor
  • Graphics
  • Linux

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