Asefrak n unagraw

Wali, tesferkeḍ tiɣbula n unagraw

Asefrak n unagraw d amsenqad n ukala, d amsefrak daɣen n unagraw s ugrudem ijebbden, fessusen i useqdec.

Asefrak n unagraw yezmer ak-yall ad tafeḍ acu n yisnasen yesseqdacen asekkar neɣ takatut n uselkim, yezmer ad issefrek isnasen yettelkamen, ad iḥettem aḥabs n ukala ur d-nettarra ara, ad issenfel addad neɣ arra n ukala i yellan.

Tamahilt n yidlifen iɣbula teskanay taskant tuzribt n wayen iḍerrun d uselkim-k, s uskan n useqdec n melmi kan n uzeṭṭa, n tkatut akked ukala.

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Lqem aneggaru 46.0 d-yeffɣen ass 16 Meɣ, 2024.

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  • Asefrak n unagraw
  • Linux
  • System Monitor

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