
Convert between currencies

Valuta is a simple and fast conversion tool, ideal for those who need to convert between different currencies repeatedly. Use it while traveling, budgeting, or anytime else you need to quickly convert between two currencies.


Explorar l’interfàcia

Main screen of the app
Main screen of the application, with coin inversion

Nos conéisser

  • Manteneire

    Ideve Core

Mai d'informacions

Site web del projècte

Consultatz la pagina dedicada a aqueste projècte.

Sortida mai recenta

Darrièra version 1.3.2 sortida lo 2024 de julhet 16.

Pas traducha

Aquesta aplicacion es pas disponibla dins vòstra lenga.

Mots clau

  • Linux
  • Utility
  • Valuta

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