
Verificați hashurile pentru fișierele dvs

Verifying that a file you downloaded or received is actually the one you were expecting is often overlooked or too time-consuming to do. At the same time, it has become very easy to get your hands on a file that has been tampered with, due to the mass increase of malicious webpages and other actors.

This tool aims to solve that. Collision comes with a simple & clean UI, allowing anyone, from any age and experience group, to generate, compare and verify MD5, SHA-256, SHA-512, SHA-1, Blake3, CRC32 and Adler32 hashes.


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Pagina proiectului

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Cea mai nouă versiune

Cea mai recentă versiune 3.8.0 lansată la 26 mar. 2024.


Această aplicație nu este disponibilă în limba dumneavoastră.

Cuvinte cheie

  • Coliziune
  • Collision
  • Linux
  • Utility

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