
Pick and format colors

Pick any color from your screen and view it in different formats. Change the picked color or go back to a previously picked color from the history list. Generate a list of different shades from the picked color.


  • Pick a Color
  • Enter a color in Hex-Format
  • Enter colors in different formats
  • View colors in Hex, RGB, HSV, HSL, CMYK, XYZ and CIE-Lab format
  • Customize which formats appear as well as their order
  • Generate a palette of different shades


Explorați interfața

Main window with a color in different formats
Main window with customized formats
Editor with an HSL editor

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Cea mai nouă versiune

Cea mai recentă versiune 2.0.1 lansată la 18 sept. 2024.


Această aplicație nu este disponibilă în limba dumneavoastră.

Cuvinte cheie

  • Development
  • Eyedropper
  • Graphics
  • Linux
  • Utility
  • WebDevelopment

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