
Generate two-factor codes

Simple application for generating Two-Factor Authentication Codes.


  • Time-based/Counter-based/Steam methods support
  • SHA-1/SHA-256/SHA-512 algorithms support
  • QR code scanner using a camera or from a screenshot
  • Lock the application with a password
  • Beautiful UI
  • GNOME Shell search provider
  • Backup/Restore from/into known applications like FreeOTP+, Aegis (encrypted / plain-text), andOTP, Google Authenticator

Zapojte sa

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Main Window
Add a New Account
Add a New Provider
Account Details
Backup/Restore formats support

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Najnovšie vydanie

Najnovšia verzia 4.5.0 bola vydaná dňa 19. 7. 2024.

Takmer nepreložená

Iba malá časť tejto aplikácie je dostupná vo vašom jazyku.


  • Authenticator
  • Linux
  • Security
  • Utility

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