
Ask questions, get psychic answers

Does he love you? Should you have pizza for dinner? Is there such thing as a stupid question? Discover the answers to these questions and more with Clairvoyant, the magic 8-ball inspired fortune teller.

  • Ask a question, then open Clairvoyant for an answer.
  • Not satisfied? Ask again, then hit "Ask Again" to try again.
  • Do what you'd like with the answers—just don't shoot the messenger!

Zapojte sa

Preskúmajte rozhranie

A positive answer, “Without a doubt.”
A neutral answer, “Reply hazy, try again.”
A negative answer, “My reply is no.”
A positive answer, “Without a doubt.”
A neutral answer, “Reply hazy, try again.”
A negative answer, “My reply is no.”

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Najnovšie vydanie

Najnovšia verzia 3.1.8 bola vydaná dňa 23. 9. 2024.


Táto aplikácia nie je dostupná vo vašom jazyku.


  • Amusement
  • Clairvoyant
  • Linux
  • Utility

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