
Find all your travel information

Railway lets you look up travel information across networks and borders without having to navigate through different websites. Due to the adaptive design, it is suitable to plan your trip in advance or mobile on the go:

  • View your tripsʼ details including platforms and delays
  • Bookmark current and future trips as well as frequent search
  • Make use of advance search options like filtering by mode of transport

And all that for networks from all around the world, but mostly from Europe.

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Viac informácií

Domovská stránka projektu

Navštívte domovskú stránku určenú pre tento projekt.

Najnovšie vydanie

Najnovšia verzia 2.7.1 bola vydaná dňa 7. 10. 2024.


Táto aplikácia nie je dostupná vo vašom jazyku.


  • GTK
  • Linux
  • Maps
  • Railway
  • Utility

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