
Listen to your favorite shows

Play, update, and manage your podcasts from a lightweight interface that seamlessly integrates with GNOME. Podcasts can play various audio formats and remember where you stopped listening. You can subscribe to shows via RSS/Atom, iTunes, and Soundcloud links. Subscriptions from other apps can be imported via OPML files.

Zapojte sa

Preskúmajte rozhranie

The home view displaying the newest episodes of your podcasts
The shows view displaying the covers of your podcasts
The show widget displaying the cover and the latest episodes of a specific podcast
The view where one can add a new podcast

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Najnovšie vydanie

Najnovšia verzia 0.7.2 bola vydaná dňa 12. 1. 2025.

Čiastočne preložená

Niektoré časti tejto aplikácie sú dostupné vo vašom jazyku.

Kľúčové slová

  • Audio
  • AudioVideo
  • Linux
  • Podcasts
  • Podcasty

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